ysk mrdm前にカツサンドが美味しかったなと行ってみたら、これは随分値上がりしてて怯んで、お手頃価格でボリュームのある塩パン150円、ピザパン200円を購入しました。 ただ塩パンは塩味がせずバターはどこへ?途中からト...前にカツサンドが美味しかったなと行ってみたら、これは随分値上がりしてて怯んで、お手頃価格でボリュームのある塩パン150円、ピザパン200円を購入しました。
(Translated by Google)
I went there last time because I thought the cutlet sandwich was delicious, but I was scared to find out that the price had gone up a lot, so I bought the reasonably priced and filling salt bread for 150 yen and the pizza bread for 200 yen.
However, the salt bread doesn't taste salty, so where does the butter go? The bread itself was delicious after I toasted it halfway through. .
I liked the pizza because the ingredients were delicious, it was voluminous, and it was cheap. -
山口朋美イートインで、レモンクリームチーズベーグル・バジルチキン(塩パンのサンド)をいただきました。 ベーグルは、よくある市販のもののように表面がツルンとしていないタイプですが、ムッチムチでとても美味しか...イートインで、レモンクリームチーズベーグル・バジルチキン(塩パンのサンド)をいただきました。
(Translated by Google)
At eat-in, I received the lemon cream cheese bagel and basil chicken (salt bread sandwich).
The bagel didn't have a smooth surface like most commercially available ones, but it was plump and very delicious. There was plenty of cream cheese, and it was my favorite bagel.
The basil chicken is also very filling with lots of chicken.
Overall, it was my favorite bakery. I want to try other things too.
I would like to visit from now on, so please continue to support me! -
阿佐美みどり美味しい、応対良い、店内綺麗 (Translated by Google) Delicious, good service, clean inside美味しい、応対良い、店内綺麗
(Translated by Google)
Delicious, good service, clean inside -
鳴海恵介京成曳舟駅まえ ひときわ目につく看板のパン屋さんに 13時ごろ初訪問しました。 ドリンクもありイートインもできるようです。 店内は美味しそうなパンがたくさん並んでます お値段はどれもリーズナブルに感じまし...京成曳舟駅まえ
(Translated by Google)
In front of Keisei Hikifune Station
A bakery with a conspicuous signboard
I visited for the first time around 13:00.
There are drinks available and you can also eat in.
There are many delicious-looking breads lined up in the store.
All prices seemed reasonable.
Bread 🍞, milk cream bread, croissant 🥐
When I received it at home,
All quite delicious. -
akongめっちゃおいしかった🥰 big love❤️🔥🔥 (Translated by Google) It was so delicious🥰 big love❤️🔥🔥めっちゃおいしかった🥰
big love❤️🔥🔥
(Translated by Google)
It was so delicious🥰
big love❤️🔥🔥 -
Dennis Mapleパンが美味しくない カレー、クリーム、ナッツやレーズンは美味しいですが肝心のパンが残念 値段と大きさは盛り気味なので人によっては合うかも (Translated by Google) bread is not tasty The curry, cream, n...パンが美味しくない
(Translated by Google)
bread is not tasty
The curry, cream, nuts and raisins are delicious, but the bread is disappointing.
The price and size are on the high side, so it may suit some people. -
本間亜紀卵にこだわっているサンドイッチを購入し楽しみにしていたのですが卵の殻が入っていて残念な気持ちになった (Translated by Google) I was looking forward to purchasing a sandwich that was made with eggs, ...卵にこだわっているサンドイッチを購入し楽しみにしていたのですが卵の殻が入っていて残念な気持ちになった
(Translated by Google)
I was looking forward to purchasing a sandwich that was made with eggs, but I was disappointed because it contained egg shells. -
sayaカレーパンが最高においしかったです😋💕 外はサクッ中はモチッとしていてカレーとのバランスも完璧で芸術的です。 都内で購入できる中ではトップレベルだと思います。 塩バターパンももっちりしていて美味しいです...カレーパンが最高においしかったです😋💕
(Translated by Google)
The curry bread was delicious😋💕
Crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside, the balance with the curry is perfect and artistic.
I think it's one of the best you can buy in Tokyo.
The salted butter bread is also chewy and delicious.
When I ate the melon bread, I thought it was like a madeleine, and the salted butter inside made it taste sweet and salty, which I really enjoyed.
French toast is a fluffy type.
Personally, I like it crispy on the outside 🙇♀️
The canelé had a strong bitter taste, so I thought it was for adults.
The store clerk was polite but polite, and was friendly and made me feel comfortable.
I would like to stop by again when I'm nearby. -
ねむい勉強でいつも行ってる曳舟図書館の真下にあったのでお昼ご飯として行きましたが、クオリティがとにかく凄すぎる 店内に入ったら、パンの達人みたいな人が窯焼きで本格的に作ってる光景が見えて「おぉ」となった。...勉強でいつも行ってる曳舟図書館の真下にあったのでお昼ご飯として行きましたが、クオリティがとにかく凄すぎる
(Translated by Google)
I went there for lunch because it was right below the Hikifune Library, where I always go to study, and the quality was just amazing.
When I entered the store, I saw someone who looked like a master baker making bread in a full-fledged oven, and I was like, ``Wow.'' Bread prices are also super reasonable. I bought a fairly large loaf of bread for just over 200 yen.
I feel like that's true, but the convenience store pa
It was incomparably delicious, and I was impressed while eating it for the first time.I ate inside the restaurant, and they also had an air purifier.As someone who suffers from rhinitis, I found it delicious, the staff was friendly, and the air purifier was very good. It looked like I could do a three-point handstand with all three points. -
加藤つばさお店に行ったんですがやってませんでした。 (Translated by Google) I went to the store, but they weren't doing it.お店に行ったんですがやってませんでした。
(Translated by Google)
I went to the store, but they weren't doing it. -
半袖船長曳舟の駅からは徒歩で7-8分くらい。店内にイートインあり。パンを買って旧中川でムシャムシャ。バジルチキンやカレーパン美味しかった! (Translated by Google) About 7-8 minutes walk from Hikifune Station....曳舟の駅からは徒歩で7-8分くらい。店内にイートインあり。パンを買って旧中川でムシャムシャ。バジルチキンやカレーパン美味しかった!
(Translated by Google)
About 7-8 minutes walk from Hikifune Station. There is eat-in inside the store. I bought some bread and munched on it at Old Nakagawa. The basil chicken and curry bread were delicious! -
Yes malgTheir curry bread is award-winning menu, so it is usually sold out if you arrive after 10:30am. You can get free black coffee if you buy bread to dine in. The quality of their bread, is outstanding.Their curry bread is award-winning menu, so it is usually sold out if you arrive after 10:30am.
You can get free black coffee if you buy bread to dine in.
The quality of their bread, is outstanding. -
りかベーグルを買いましたが好みではなかったです。ベーグルはもっともちもちの硬いものを想像してました。 (Translated by Google) I bought a bagel, but I didn't like it. I was imagining bagels to be more ch...ベーグルを買いましたが好みではなかったです。ベーグルはもっともちもちの硬いものを想像してました。
(Translated by Google)
I bought a bagel, but I didn't like it. I was imagining bagels to be more chewy and hard. -
John CauetLes croissants et pains au chocolat sont délicieux. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) The croissants and pain au chocolat are delicious. I recommend.Les croissants et pains au chocolat sont délicieux. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) The croissants and pain au chocolat are delicious. I recommend.
(Translated by Google)
I live nearby so I come here often, but I think the taste and price are average. The thing that bothers me is that although I think they are busy with stocking items and manning the cash register, there are three female employees and the store doesn't usually say ``Welcome''. Even if the child sneezed in front of the bread, the store staff nearby didn't see it.
The staff members differ depending on the time of day, but what does it mean to be attentive to customers in a business? -
ファーリス・メガサンマ全体的にかなり値段は強気。 カレーパンが牛すじがゴロゴロ入ってて美味しかった。 (Translated by Google) Overall, prices are quite bullish. The curry bread had lots of beef tendon in it and was delici...全体的にかなり値段は強気。
(Translated by Google)
Overall, prices are quite bullish.
The curry bread had lots of beef tendon in it and was delicious. -
KEI朝食コンビニで買うより断然こっち 味もうまいし たまたま焼きたてなら最高 値段は同等 大好きです。 (Translated by Google) This is definitely better than buying breakfast at a convenience store.It ...朝食コンビニで買うより断然こっち 味もうまいし たまたま焼きたてなら最高 値段は同等 大好きです。
(Translated by Google)
This is definitely better than buying breakfast at a convenience store.It tastes better, and if it happens to be freshly baked, it's the best.The price is the same.I love it. -
(Translated by Google)
It is near Keisei Hikifune Station. It is located on the 1st floor of Tawaman. It is open from morning until night. There are no steps at the entrance, so it is easy to enter. Payment can be made by electronic money. Curry bread is famous for bread. There is a wide variety of side dishes, sandwiches, white bread, and French bread. You can eat inside the store. Hot coffee is free. (There is a charge for iced coffee.) Since I have bad hands and am using a cane, I managed to select the items and take them to the cash register. A staff member brought it to the table. I had a mixed sandwich with cutlet sandwich, custard bread, and coffee milk. -
イサオ美味しそうなパンたちが並び種類も豊富でいろいろ悩んでしまう。全商品制覇してみたい。 (Translated by Google) There are so many delicious-looking breads and so many different types that it's hard to de...美味しそうなパンたちが並び種類も豊富でいろいろ悩んでしまう。全商品制覇してみたい。
(Translated by Google)
There are so many delicious-looking breads and so many different types that it's hard to decide.I want to try all the products. -
KEN結構混んでます。私は地元ではないのですが地元の方羨ましい。メニューが豊富でリピートに最適です。店内にはテーブル席も多くあり、2〜3名の少人数ならイートインも可。 購入者にはホットコーヒーが1杯無料サー...結構混んでます。私は地元ではないのですが地元の方羨ましい。メニューが豊富でリピートに最適です。店内にはテーブル席も多くあり、2〜3名の少人数ならイートインも可。
(Translated by Google)
It's quite crowded. I'm not a local, but I'm jealous of the locals. The menu is extensive and perfect for repeat visits. There are many table seats in the store, and small groups of 2 to 3 people can eat in.
Purchasers receive a free cup of hot coffee (as of September 2023) -
Joha Mフランス出身なんですが、ここは本当にパン作りにこだわっているお店だと思います。 パンはちゃんと発酵させて、品質がとても高いです。 今日は初来店でバゲットを買ったんですが、日本のは珍しく、本物のフラン...フランス出身なんですが、ここは本当にパン作りにこだわっているお店だと思います。
(Translated by Google)
I'm from France, and I think this is a shop that really focuses on making bread.
The bread is fermented properly and is of very high quality.
Today I went to the store for the first time and bought a baguette, which is rare in Japan and had a real French taste.
I couldn't resist and ate a little while walking on the way home! lol
I look forward to seeing you many more in the future! -
とど京成曳舟駅すぐ側のパン屋さん 朝8時にオープンし、店内はイートインスペースもありモーニングにも便利です。 今回はブランチに利用したのでベーグルと惣菜パン、店内のボードでお勧めされていたフレンチトース...京成曳舟駅すぐ側のパン屋さん
(Translated by Google)
A bakery right next to Keisei Hikifune Station
It opens at 8 a.m. and has an eat-in space, making it convenient for breakfast.
This time I went for brunch, so I had a bagel, side dish bread, and French toast that was recommended on the board in the store.
All of the breads were of a high standard, and the chewy texture of the bagel, the appetizing aroma of herbs, and the appetizing sandwich with lots of chicken and tomato, and the French toast with rich eggs and butter were all delicious.
The top of the building is the local library, so it's a great place to take a break from reading, and if you eat in, you'll also get a free cup of coffee. -
RURIKO (苺CHANMAMA)前に友達から頂いて。場所が分からず検索して。 今日初めてお店に行く事が出来ました。 11前に着きましたが‥ 店頭には沢山の種類が並んでいました。🍞 どれもこれも美味しそうで。テンション上がりますね。パン屋...前に友達から頂いて。場所が分からず検索して。
(Translated by Google)
I received it from a friend before. Search if you don't know the location.
I was able to go to the store for the first time today.
I arrived before 11...
There were many types lined up at the store. 🍞
All of these look delicious. It gets me excited. It's a bakery. (lol)
I have chestnut BAGEL. BLUEBERRY BAGEL with CREAMCHEESE sandwiched between them. I also bought 5 other items such as white bread with fried egg and BEACON on top for about 1500 yen.
UKIUKIRUNRUN on the way home. 🌷
My daughter seems to like it too.
I think I'll go again tomorrow. 😁
I'm sure I'll go.
I forgot to take a photo. 😥
*One cup of COFFEE is free. 😝 -
木下多美子モーンデニッシュ、大好きです♪ (Translated by Google) I love Morn Danish♪モーンデニッシュ、大好きです♪
(Translated by Google)
I love Morn Danish♪ -
つむぎ休日お昼すぎに訪れたので店内は賑わっていました。 入口に値上げの張り紙がありましたが、店内で値段を見るとやはり以前より高いです。 クチコミを見て気になったベーグルを買ってみました。 よもぎと大納言の...休日お昼すぎに訪れたので店内は賑わっていました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited in the afternoon on a holiday, so the store was busy.
There was a price increase notice at the entrance, but when I looked at the prices inside the store, they were still higher than before.
I bought a bagel that caught my attention after reading the reviews.
Bagel with mugwort and Dainagon!
It was very delicious with the chewy and moist bagel dough, the strong mugwort flavor, and plenty of Dainagon.
I am very satisfied with the heavy weight. -
LUNA Tお気に入りのパン屋さんで何度か行っています。 お惣菜パンばかり買っていますが、今のところ どれを食べてもハズレなしです♡ 特にお気に入りはヒレカツサンド、お肉が柔らかくて美味しいです。この分厚さでこの...お気に入りのパン屋さんで何度か行っています。
お惣菜パンばかり買っていますが、今のところ どれを食べてもハズレなしです♡
カレーパンも揚げずに焼いてあるタイプなので くどくなく、カレー自体も美味しいです。
(Translated by Google)
I've been to my favorite bakery several times.
I only buy side dish bread, but so far no matter what I eat, I can't go wrong ♡
My favorite is the fillet cutlet sandwich, the meat is tender and delicious. I think this price (¥400) is a reasonable price for this thickness.
The curry bread is baked instead of fried, so it's not too spicy and the curry itself is delicious.
It's a popular bakery, so depending on the time of day there may be very little bread left... so we recommend going as early as possible. -
joshua w🚗や🏍️はともかくとして、表に🚲️すら、停められないのが厳しいですね、 まぁ駅前を差し引いて、少し値段は高めですが、パンの味がイイ線いっているので、歩きで通った時だけ買いに寄ります、 クリームパンのクリー...🚗や🏍️はともかくとして、表に🚲️すら、停められないのが厳しいですね、
(Translated by Google)
Aside from 🚗 and 🏍️, it's tough not being able to even park 🚲️ in the front.
Well, the price is a little high considering the location in front of the station, but the bread tastes so good that I only stop by to buy it when I'm walking by.
The cream in the cream bread is also delicious.
To talk about the details, there's the way Anpanman's face is made, the way the plastic tape is wrapped around the bread, and the way the ❤️ is added... -
makkynm makkynmいつもお世話になってます。 ここはベーグルが意外と美味しい ちょっと値段が高いのと、焼きたてが朝イチであまり種類がないのが残念だけど Paypay使える (Translated by Google) Thank you for your continued ...いつもお世話になってます。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your continued support.
The bagels here are surprisingly delicious.
It's a shame that the price is a bit high, and that there isn't much variety as they are freshly baked in the morning.
Paypay can be used -
M ISHIかおりよし (Translated by Google) Kaoriyoshiかおりよし
(Translated by Google)
Kaoriyoshi -
club m知らない (Translated by Google) i don't know知らない
(Translated by Google)
i don't know -
T Yam
吉田和雄美味しいパン🍞があります。コーヒー☕も飲めます。 (Translated by Google) We have delicious bread 🍞. You can also drink coffee ☕.美味しいパン🍞があります。コーヒー☕も飲めます。
(Translated by Google)
We have delicious bread 🍞. You can also drink coffee ☕. -
華奈どすぇずーっと気になっていたお店です😃 めっちゃ美味しいパン屋さんですね また寄りたいと思います☺️ (Translated by Google) This is a store I’ve been curious about for a long time 😃 It's a really delicious b...ずーっと気になっていたお店です😃
(Translated by Google)
This is a store I’ve been curious about for a long time 😃
It's a really delicious bakery
I would like to stop by again ☺️ -
(Translated by Google)
I went there just before noon after reading the reviews, and I was happy because it coincided with the baking time of the bagels, but it looked different from the bagels I know, so I only bought one. There was cheese inside, but it was very original.
There seem to be a lot of other types, and the cream bread looks delicious, so next time...
I didn't get to see much of it this time because the timing wasn't right.
I appreciate the coffee service, but could I have just one piece of bread? Coffee please. I refrained from doing so because I was not approached.
There was a notice about coffee.
I ended up heading to the bread section without reading it carefully.
In the end, we took a break at Yokado. I think it's a good service even though it's self service. However, it was a bit inconvenient as parking bicycles in front of the store was prohibited (part of town planning?!). -
A B図書館の真下にあるパン屋さん 総菜パンや食パンなどが人気で、変わり種もあるので覗いてみてほしい イートインスペースが入口すぐにあり、パンを購入するとコーヒーが無料でもらえます (Translated by Google...図書館の真下にあるパン屋さん
(Translated by Google)
Bakery right below the library
Deli breads and white breads are popular, and there are some unusual varieties, so be sure to check them out.
There is an eat-in space right next to the entrance, and if you buy bread, you can get coffee for free. -
Yume Saotome直近ではありませんが、お店関係者の方のお子さんでしょうか、厨房に出入りして遊んでいて、衛生面での不安を覚えました。飛び抜けて美味しいわけではないので、それ以降は購入していません。 (Translated by Go...直近ではありませんが、お店関係者の方のお子さんでしょうか、厨房に出入りして遊んでいて、衛生面での不安を覚えました。飛び抜けて美味しいわけではないので、それ以降は購入していません。
(Translated by Google)
Although it wasn't recently, I noticed that the child of a person working at the store was coming in and out of the kitchen and playing, and I was concerned about hygiene. It wasn't exceptionally delicious, so I haven't purchased it since then. -
MkB ProdLe goût de la France… J’ai essayé plusieurs boulangerie à Tokyo, mais celle-ci était vraiment une des meilleures. Croissant, pain au chocolat, scones et aussi le toast bacon fromage œufs. Je recom...Le goût de la France…
J’ai essayé plusieurs boulangerie à Tokyo, mais celle-ci était vraiment une des meilleures. Croissant, pain au chocolat, scones et aussi le toast bacon fromage œufs. Je recommande +++ (Translated by Google) The taste of France…
I tried several bakeries in Tokyo, but this one was truly one of the best. Croissant, pain au chocolat, scones and also the bacon cheese egg toast. I recommend +++
スカイ姫のつぶやき19時折出来立てのパンをお見せでただいています。 アンパンが好きです。 (Translated by Google) Occasionally, I get to see freshly made bread. I like Anpan.時折出来立てのパンをお見せでただいています。
(Translated by Google)
Occasionally, I get to see freshly made bread.
I like Anpan. -
Fred Cherrygarden
(Translated by Google)
This is a photo from a visit in early June 2022. I suddenly wanted to eat manul bread, so I came across an article that appeared at the height of the boom and came here. However, on this day, either by chance or perhaps because the restaurant is so fashion-conscious, there was no menu change, but there was no manul bread. I told myself not to be disappointed and chose another bread. I think there are quite a few different types of bread. After all, Keisei Hikifune Station only stops at stations on the Keisei Oshiage Line. I think it's a convenient and helpful bakery because it's right near the station. While I bought pizza bread, curry bread, etc., the banana cake was one of the more reasonably priced items. -
(Translated by Google)
I've been going to various bakeries since back when bread was not yet a bread boom. One day, I wonder if there's a better bakery? When I was looking for it online, I learned that there was a delicious bakery in Hikifune, so I went there with my youngest daughter to buy some, and that's how I became a repeat customer of Ottopon. My youngest daughter and I are completely hooked and all the breads are delicious. My daughter also personally buys Ottopon's bread because she thinks it's the best. I also went shopping and recently introduced it to my eldest daughter. My eldest daughter said, ``I'm a food person.''
Even though I only took him there once, he said, "Wow, it's delicious," and now he's a repeat customer.
I'm planning to go shopping next Friday. -
NX CB妻が毎週通っています! 美味しくて価格も良心的! (Translated by Google) My wife goes every week! Delicious and reasonably priced!妻が毎週通っています!
(Translated by Google)
My wife goes every week!
Delicious and reasonably priced! -
ha chi手作りパンが、安くて美味しいです♪ブルーベリーベーグルが、あんぱんのあんこ位の量のブルーベリーがゴロゴロ入っててびっくり(笑)近くに行った時は必ず寄ります。 (Translated by Google) The handmade brea...手作りパンが、安くて美味しいです♪ブルーベリーベーグルが、あんぱんのあんこ位の量のブルーベリーがゴロゴロ入っててびっくり(笑)近くに行った時は必ず寄ります。
(Translated by Google)
The handmade bread is cheap and delicious♪ I was surprised to find that the blueberry bagel had as many blueberries as an anko (red bean paste) in it (lol). Whenever I'm nearby, I always stop by. -
momomi N13時過ぎに来店。 PayPayのキャンペーンもあったので少し遠方から来ましたが思っていたより種類が少なくて自分の好みそうなパンが、あまりなかったです。 食パンで全粒粉のがありましたが量が多くて買わなかった...13時過ぎに来店。
(Translated by Google)
Arrived at the store after 13:00.
I came from a bit far away because there was a PayPay campaign going on, but the variety was smaller than I expected and I didn't find many breads that I liked.
There was whole wheat bread available, but I didn't buy it because it was so large. It would be easier to buy if they released a set of 3 pieces...
I would like to see sandwiches made with whole grain bread.
I like egg sandwiches, but not just eggs, but the combination of egg and tuna sandwiches.
I think if you get a set of two types of sandwiches, you won't get bored.
I bought French toast, but it said that maple syrup would be included if you wanted it, but I forgot to mention that.
Will you give me maple syrup at the register for that? I want you to hear that. -
h m0歳の娘が軽度の卵、牛乳アレルギーのためこちらで食パン購入しています。美味しくて安心なのでこれからもお世話になります。 チョコがたくさん入っているパンは家族のお気に入りです。 (Translated by Google) ...0歳の娘が軽度の卵、牛乳アレルギーのためこちらで食パン購入しています。美味しくて安心なのでこれからもお世話になります。
(Translated by Google)
My 0-year-old daughter has mild allergies to eggs and milk, so I buy bread here. It's delicious and safe, so I'll continue to use it from now on.
Bread filled with chocolate is a family favorite. -
panta pan美味しいパン屋です (Translated by Google) It's a delicious bakery美味しいパン屋です
(Translated by Google)
It's a delicious bakery -
hm gt1000円以上買うとミニカップに挽いたコーヒーもらえるサービスある。 次回100円割り引き件くれる。 (Translated by Google) If you purchase over 1,000 yen, you will receive ground coffee in a mini cup. I'...1000円以上買うとミニカップに挽いたコーヒーもらえるサービスある。
(Translated by Google)
If you purchase over 1,000 yen, you will receive ground coffee in a mini cup.
I'll give you a 100 yen discount next time. -
悪党撲滅高いし美味しくない。 マイナスなコメントには返信しない店主の性格の悪さが出てるパンなんて食べたくない。 もう2度と行きません。 (Translated by Google) It's expensive and not tasty. I don't want to ea...高いし美味しくない。
(Translated by Google)
It's expensive and not tasty.
I don't want to eat bread that shows the bad character of the shop owner who doesn't respond to negative comments.
I will never go there again. -
(Translated by Google)
I came to the neighborhood so I bought some. Overall, I feel like they have more ingredients than other bakeries, and each piece of bread is heavy, so I think it's a good value. The meat in the curry bread has a lot of fat (maybe it's just a coincidence?), but it's chunky and hearty, which makes me happy. I will go buy it again! -
yo wa美味しいパンでした。 (Translated by Google) It was delicious bread.美味しいパンでした。
(Translated by Google)
It was delicious bread. -
平柳雅男価格は高いかもしれないがボリュームと美味しさは納得。無料のコーヒーもまずまず美味しい。 (Translated by Google) The price may be high, but the volume and taste are worth it. The free coffee is also ...価格は高いかもしれないがボリュームと美味しさは納得。無料のコーヒーもまずまず美味しい。
(Translated by Google)
The price may be high, but the volume and taste are worth it. The free coffee is also delicious. -
りこ曳舟駅のそばにあるパン屋さんです。イートインスペースもあります。 ボリュームたっぷりのお惣菜パンやお菓子パンが種類多くあり、下町価格で楽しめるお店です! (Translated by Google) This is a bakery near...曳舟駅のそばにあるパン屋さんです。イートインスペースもあります。
(Translated by Google)
This is a bakery near Hikifune Station. There is also an eat-in space.
This shop has many types of hearty side dish breads and sweet breads, and you can enjoy them at downtown prices! -
Shota Murakiとにかく美味しいパン屋さん。 カスクートがおすすめです!ハード系のパンのサンドイッチで、めちゃくちゃうまいです。 どのパンも美味しいし見た目もよいので目移りしてついついたくさん買ってしまいます! お手...とにかく美味しいパン屋さん。
(Translated by Google)
Anyway, it's a delicious bakery.
I recommend Caskute! It's a hard bread sandwich, and it's insanely delicious.
All the breads are delicious and look good, so I can't help but buy a lot!
I'm glad it's reasonably priced! -
aki OKまずくはないけど特別おいしいということもない印象。スーパーに入ってるベーカリーと同じ。3回くらいしか行っていないので全ての種類を食べたわけではありません。 (Translated by Google) It's not bad, but i...まずくはないけど特別おいしいということもない印象。スーパーに入ってるベーカリーと同じ。3回くらいしか行っていないので全ての種類を食べたわけではありません。
(Translated by Google)
It's not bad, but it doesn't seem particularly delicious either. Same as the bakery in the supermarket. I've only been there about 3 times, so I haven't eaten all the types. -
Mikan Rich
中島庸次ん〜何か混んでいたから 今日は…スルー (Translated by Google) Hmm, it was kind of crowded. Today...throughん〜何か混んでいたから
(Translated by Google)
Hmm, it was kind of crowded.
Today...through -
Hashimoto Keisukeリーズナブルに美味しいパンが食べれます。 (Translated by Google) You can eat delicious bread at a reasonable price.リーズナブルに美味しいパンが食べれます。
(Translated by Google)
You can eat delicious bread at a reasonable price. -
口中常嘉パンが、いろいろ工夫されていますね❗ イートインだと、コーヒーが無料で飲める‼️ (Translated by Google) There are many ways to make bread❗ If you eat in, you can drink coffee for free! ️パンが、いろいろ工夫されていますね❗
(Translated by Google)
There are many ways to make bread❗
If you eat in, you can drink coffee for free! ️ -
まつもとともみフレンチトースト、可愛くて200円とお値段安くオススメです🎶パンを買うとコーヒー無料で飲めます😆 (Translated by Google) The French toast is cute and reasonably priced at 200 yen, so I highly recommend ...フレンチトースト、可愛くて200円とお値段安くオススメです🎶パンを買うとコーヒー無料で飲めます😆
(Translated by Google)
The French toast is cute and reasonably priced at 200 yen, so I highly recommend it 🎶 If you buy bread, you can get free coffee 😆 -
たぬたぬきスコーンが美味しいです。 他のパンは特別に美味しいという感じはないかな? スタッフの方の対応が冷たい感じなのが気になります。 以前、袋詰めの際に手が滑って落とした商品をそのまま拾って袋に入れて渡され...スコーンが美味しいです。
(Translated by Google)
The scones are delicious.
Do you feel that other breads are particularly delicious?
I am concerned about the coldness of the staff's response.
I was surprised when someone once picked up an item that had slipped and dropped while packing it, put it in a bag, and handed it to me. -
(Translated by Google)
This is a popular bakery in the neighborhood. Although they don't have any outstanding characteristics, each one is carefully made and has a reassuring taste. Whether it's a nostalgic bread or a slightly trendy bread, it's important to be able to enjoy it in a simple and delicious way.
The original shiso cheese bread here is delicious and addictive. Please try it. -
kaori値段を間違えて高くレジ打ちしたので伝えたら、店員さん目を合わせず無言で訂正してパンを差し出す .. すみません も ありがとう もなく。 街の美味しいパン屋さんだと思いますが... (Translated by Google) I m...値段を間違えて高くレジ打ちしたので伝えたら、店員さん目を合わせず無言で訂正してパンを差し出す .. すみません も ありがとう もなく。
(Translated by Google)
I made a mistake and paid a higher price at the cash register, so when I told them, the clerk silently corrected me without looking at me and handed me the bread...without saying sorry or thank you.
I think it's a delicious bakery in town... -
shizuka novi
のこのこ手頃な価格だから気軽に立ち寄れる🎵 (Translated by Google) You can feel free to stop by because it's affordable 🎵手頃な価格だから気軽に立ち寄れる🎵
(Translated by Google)
You can feel free to stop by because it's affordable 🎵 -
j h
Keiko Doshita手ごろな価格で美味しいパン屋さんです。 イートインもあります。 (Translated by Google) This is a delicious bakery with reasonable prices. Eat-in is also available.手ごろな価格で美味しいパン屋さんです。
(Translated by Google)
This is a delicious bakery with reasonable prices.
Eat-in is also available. -
mana T曳舟エリアで一番美味しいと思うパン屋。イートインもできる。パンを買うとコーヒー一杯サービスしてくれるのが嬉しい。 (Translated by Google) I think this is the most delicious bakery in the Hikifune ar...曳舟エリアで一番美味しいと思うパン屋。イートインもできる。パンを買うとコーヒー一杯サービスしてくれるのが嬉しい。
(Translated by Google)
I think this is the most delicious bakery in the Hikifune area. You can also eat in. I love that they give you a complimentary cup of coffee when you buy bread. -
いずみなおき何種類か10%オフのパンが有りお得に感じました。 元々の値段も安いと思います。 (Translated by Google) There were several types of bread with 10% off, which felt like a good deal. I think the original...何種類か10%オフのパンが有りお得に感じました。
(Translated by Google)
There were several types of bread with 10% off, which felt like a good deal.
I think the original price is also cheap. -
Misa N
Shawn T何回か図書館に借りにきて気になっていたパン屋さんです。どれも良心的なお値段でおいしいです!特にお勧めはメロンパンです。パンを買うとコーヒー一杯無料でいただけるのですが、それがまた美味しいです…!何度...何回か図書館に借りにきて気になっていたパン屋さんです。どれも良心的なお値段でおいしいです!特にお勧めはメロンパンです。パンを買うとコーヒー一杯無料でいただけるのですが、それがまた美味しいです…!何度も行きたくなるパン屋さんです
(Translated by Google)
This is a bakery that I've been curious about since I've borrowed books from the library several times. Everything is delicious and reasonably priced! The melon bread is especially recommended. If you buy bread, you can get a free cup of coffee, which is also delicious! It's a bakery that you'll want to go to again and again. -
後藤淳二大好きなパン屋さん 食パンが絶品です (Translated by Google) my favorite bakery The bread is exquisite大好きなパン屋さん
(Translated by Google)
my favorite bakery
The bread is exquisite -
JPPerfect breads and they give free coffee. They also have a lot of promotions 👌👌👌Perfect breads and they give free coffee. They also have a lot of promotions 👌👌👌
Takashi Inoue
あり坊焼き立てのクロックムッシュがめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです。 (Translated by Google) The freshly baked croque monsieur was extremely delicious.焼き立てのクロックムッシュがめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです。
(Translated by Google)
The freshly baked croque monsieur was extremely delicious. -
佐々木啓子こちらで昼食用に買ったフレンチト―ストは美味しかったです (Translated by Google) The French toast I bought here for lunch was delicious.こちらで昼食用に買ったフレンチト―ストは美味しかったです
(Translated by Google)
The French toast I bought here for lunch was delicious. -
Atlas最近味が落ちてるように感じる。 フィッシュフライサンドは古い油の味がするようになり、 クリームパンはどれも中身のクリームが安い茶碗蒸しの様に硬くて甘くない、 スコーンは一時期裏側が全て焦げていたり、 ...最近味が落ちてるように感じる。
(Translated by Google)
I feel like I've lost my taste lately.
The fish fry sandwich started to taste like old oil;
All of the cream buns have cream inside that is hard and not sweet like cheap chawanmushi.
At one point, the backs of the scones were all burnt,
Nowadays, bread is wrapped in plastic, but all I can say is that it's sticky and tastes bad.
I used to buy it again for about three years, but I stopped buying it. -
takako mm良く利用させていただいてました。最近見かけなくなりましたが、ジャコとオリーブオイルのバケットが好きでした。店内利用でコーヒー無料も嬉しいのですが、ある日、ご年配の方が2斤のイギリスパンを5枚切りにし...良く利用させていただいてました。最近見かけなくなりましたが、ジャコとオリーブオイルのバケットが好きでした。店内利用でコーヒー無料も嬉しいのですが、ある日、ご年配の方が2斤のイギリスパンを5枚切りにして欲しいとリクエスト。そのパン、私も買いたいと思っていましたが、店員さんが素手で、しかもパンを持ったままでずっと話しに付き合っていて、コロナ禍なのに、とガッカリ。それ以来足が遠のいてしまいましした。
(Translated by Google)
I made good use of it. I haven't seen it lately, but I liked Jaco and the olive oil baguette. I was happy to receive free coffee when I visited the store, but one day, an elderly person requested that he cut 2 loaves of British bread into 5 slices. I wanted to buy that bread too, but I was disappointed because the clerk kept talking to me with his bare hands and was still holding the bread, even during the coronavirus pandemic. Since then, I haven't been able to go there anymore.
Today, I stopped by for the first time in 4 months, and most of the bread was packed in bags. Unfortunately, the salt bread and curry bread that I wanted to buy were still available, so I had the salt bread milk, ham and egg, walnut and raisin bread. Looks like I'll be able to attend again! -
青柳泰正珈琲とドーナツ🍩で132 円安いです (Translated by Google) Coffee and donuts🍩 are 132 yen cheaper珈琲とドーナツ🍩で132 円安いです
(Translated by Google)
Coffee and donuts🍩 are 132 yen cheaper -
鈴木一郎美味しそうなパン屋で入ってみましたが、このコロナ禍で袋に入ってないパンが数たくさんありちょいえっと思ってしまいました。 袋に入ってないパンを選び購入し、食べてみましたが、私の口には合わなかったです。...美味しそうなパン屋で入ってみましたが、このコロナ禍で袋に入ってないパンが数たくさんありちょいえっと思ってしまいました。
(Translated by Google)
I went into a bakery that looked delicious, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, I was a little disappointed as there were a lot of breads that weren't in bags.
I bought some bread that wasn't in a bag and tried it, but it didn't suit my taste. -
かける曳舟図書館の下にあります。 品揃えが多く焼き立ても食べれて良かったです。 (Translated by Google) It is located under the Hikifune Library. It was great to have a wide variety of items and eat freshl...曳舟図書館の下にあります。
(Translated by Google)
It is located under the Hikifune Library.
It was great to have a wide variety of items and eat freshly baked food. -
或紫苑マイケル座席は八人ぐらい、コーヒー付き、惣菜パンがおいしいです。 (Translated by Google) There is seating for about eight people, coffee is included, and the prepared breads are delicious.座席は八人ぐらい、コーヒー付き、惣菜パンがおいしいです。
(Translated by Google)
There is seating for about eight people, coffee is included, and the prepared breads are delicious. -
Snow一週間前に娘の好きなカツサンドを買いましたが、残念な事にキャベツが入っておらず娘もショックを受けていました…家から近くでいいんですがリニューアル後なんだが種類も減ったような… (Translated by Google) ...一週間前に娘の好きなカツサンドを買いましたが、残念な事にキャベツが入っておらず娘もショックを受けていました…家から近くでいいんですがリニューアル後なんだが種類も減ったような…
(Translated by Google)
A week ago, I bought my daughter's favorite cutlet sandwich, but unfortunately it didn't have cabbage in it, so she was shocked...It's good that it's close to my house, but after the renovation, there are fewer varieties. Like... -
bi ae特別なにか凄いということはないと思いますが、パン自体はおいしいと思います。 普通にパン屋さんのパン、コンビニやスーパーより高いけどまぁ多少違うのかな?くらい。 それよりも、今の情勢的に神経質なつもり...特別なにか凄いということはないと思いますが、パン自体はおいしいと思います。
(Translated by Google)
I don't think it's anything special, but I think the bread itself is delicious.
Bread from a bakery is usually more expensive than a convenience store or supermarket, but I guess it's a little different. About.
More than that, I'm not trying to be sensitive about the current situation, but I'm honestly concerned that the bread is still exposed and displayed as before.
The store is also small, so there are no distancing measures like in a supermarket.
People line up normally. In fact, the customers were more conscious of this, and although there were no markings on the ground, I got the impression that they were lined up so as not to be too close together.
Alcohol disinfectant was provided. -
junko murata久しぶりにカツサンドとコロッケパンをいただきましたが、以前とすっかり変わってしまっていて残念。 柔らかかったカツが、硬くなり、コロッケは、粉っぽく、違和感がある。 パンの耳は、切り落とされていない部...久しぶりにカツサンドとコロッケパンをいただきましたが、以前とすっかり変わってしまっていて残念。
(Translated by Google)
It's been a while since I last had a cutlet sandwich and croquette bread, but I was disappointed that they had completely changed from before.
The soft cutlets have become hard, and the croquettes are powdery and strange.
Some of the ears of the bread were not cut off, and the koppepan felt dry.
Until now, it was delicious every time, so it's a shame, or rather strange. . . Why? -
Junya Ueda近所で美味しいバゲットが買えるので好きなお店です。バゲットしか購入していませんが、クラム(内側)の気泡が綺麗かつモチっとして美味しいです。クラスト(外側)もパリカリ感あります。個人的にはクラストがもっ...近所で美味しいバゲットが買えるので好きなお店です。バゲットしか購入していませんが、クラム(内側)の気泡が綺麗かつモチっとして美味しいです。クラスト(外側)もパリカリ感あります。個人的にはクラストがもっとガリッと香ばしい感じが好みなので☆4にしました。
(Translated by Google)
This is my favorite shop because I can buy delicious baguettes in my neighborhood. I have only purchased baguettes, but the bubbles in the crumb (inside) are beautiful, chewy, and delicious. The crust (outside) is also crispy. Personally, I like the crust to be crunchier and more fragrant, so I gave it a 4. -
youkoパンをイートインで買ったらコーヒーがセルフサービスになりますがいただけます。 曳舟図書館の近くでちょっと小腹をふさいで図書館にいきました。お手軽な感じでいいですよ😆 (Translated by Google) If you buy...パンをイートインで買ったらコーヒーがセルフサービスになりますがいただけます。
(Translated by Google)
If you buy bread at eat-in, coffee is self-service.
I went to the library near Hikifune Library to fill my stomach. I like how easy it is 😆 -
ちゃんたまごパンはおいしいけど 値段の跳ね上がり方が 尋常じゃない (Translated by Google) Bread is delicious, but the way the price has skyrocketed is unusual.パンはおいしいけど 値段の跳ね上がり方が 尋常じゃない
(Translated by Google)
Bread is delicious, but the way the price has skyrocketed is unusual. -
根津登美子食パン始め、お惣菜パンやクリームパンも美味しいです👍 (Translated by Google) Starting with white bread, side dish bread and cream bread are also delicious 👍食パン始め、お惣菜パンやクリームパンも美味しいです👍
(Translated by Google)
Starting with white bread, side dish bread and cream bread are also delicious 👍 -
kawa youkou早朝から 開店して 助かります (Translated by Google) It's helpful that the store opens early in the morning.早朝から 開店して 助かります
(Translated by Google)
It's helpful that the store opens early in the morning. -
Noriyuki Shidaちょっと個性的で美味しいパンを作って売っています。 値段は比較的良心的な感じがします。 PayPayや楽天ペイといったキャッシュレス決済に対応していたのは良かったです。 パンの鮮度を保つためでしょうがないと...ちょっと個性的で美味しいパンを作って売っています。
(Translated by Google)
We make and sell unique and delicious breads.
The price seems relatively reasonable.
It was good that it supported cashless payments such as PayPay and Rakuten Pay.
I think it can't be helped to keep the bread fresh, but I was a little disappointed that the eat-in space was cold. -
長野ねっちカウンターの板さん、語りも🍣も、旨いょ〰️😃 他のボヤキ板さん上手いけど⁉️雑で眼鏡かけた方が良いかも〰️🌃🍴 (Translated by Google) The board at the counter and the conversation 🍣 are delicious〰️😃 Other...カウンターの板さん、語りも🍣も、旨いょ〰️😃
(Translated by Google)
The board at the counter and the conversation 🍣 are delicious〰️😃
Other complainers are good at it, but it's so rough that it might be better to wear glasses〰️🌃🍴 -
don mage近くにあるかめパンに似せてきてます。なんだかレジの人もパン運ぶ人も楽しくなさそうで愛想が無いです。 (Translated by Google) It's starting to look like Kamepan, which is nearby. For some reason, the ...近くにあるかめパンに似せてきてます。なんだかレジの人もパン運ぶ人も楽しくなさそうで愛想が無いです。
(Translated by Google)
It's starting to look like Kamepan, which is nearby. For some reason, the cashier and the person carrying the bread don't seem to be having fun and are unfriendly. -
Taro Raiden国産小麦のパン🍞各種。種類豊富です。イートインではコーヒーサービス。 (Translated by Google) A variety of domestic wheat breads. There are many kinds. Coffee service for eat-in.国産小麦のパン🍞各種。種類豊富です。イートインではコーヒーサービス。
(Translated by Google)
A variety of domestic wheat breads. There are many kinds. Coffee service for eat-in. -
E Nイートインスペースが広くなりました。 パンはふつうのパン屋さんという感じです。 自転車が店の前にとめられないので不便さを感じます。 わざわざ図書課の地下駐輪場にとめてまで行こうとは思いません。 (Trans...イートインスペースが広くなりました。
(Translated by Google)
The eat-in space has become larger.
The bread feels like a normal bakery.
I feel inconvenienced because I can't park my bicycle in front of the store.
I don't think I'll go to the trouble of parking my bicycle in the library department's underground bicycle parking lot. -
Yuki Goo美味しいし無料コーヒーがある (Translated by Google) It's delicious and there's free coffee.美味しいし無料コーヒーがある
(Translated by Google)
It's delicious and there's free coffee. -
NAL 0002食パンがお気に入り。小さなお店は大手チェーンに押されていずれ消滅すると言われてますが、私はオットポンみたいに、本当に美味しいパンを作り、適正な価格で提供している限り、むしろキツイのは大手チェーンの...食パンがお気に入り。小さなお店は大手チェーンに押されていずれ消滅すると言われてますが、私はオットポンみたいに、本当に美味しいパンを作り、適正な価格で提供している限り、むしろキツイのは大手チェーンの方ではないかと思ってたりします。
(Translated by Google)
My favorite is white bread. It is said that small shops will eventually disappear due to being squeezed out by the big chains, but I think that as long as they make really delicious bread and offer it at a fair price, like Ottopon, it's the big chains that are the ones that are in trouble. I sometimes wonder if there is. -
Dylan Noonan
Alexandre Flament
Tsutomu Uchidaこのエリアでは一番のパン屋さん。いつも賑わってます。 (Translated by Google) The best bakery in this area. It's always crowded.このエリアでは一番のパン屋さん。いつも賑わってます。
(Translated by Google)
The best bakery in this area. It's always crowded. -
s appお店は19時までに変わりました。QRコード決済にも対応しています (Translated by Google) The store changed by 7pm. Also supports QR code paymentお店は19時までに変わりました。QRコード決済にも対応しています
(Translated by Google)
The store changed by 7pm. Also supports QR code payment -
徳永桂(ぬふふ)味は平均値 (Translated by Google) Taste is average味は平均値
(Translated by Google)
Taste is average -
デブサイクル学園シールドZ組アチュ太郎食パンめちゃくちゃうますぎます。騙されたと思って、1度召し上がって見て下さい。 (Translated by Google) The bread is so delicious. If you think you've been fooled, try it once and see.食パンめちゃくちゃうますぎます。騙されたと思って、1度召し上がって見て下さい。
(Translated by Google)
The bread is so delicious. If you think you've been fooled, try it once and see. -
戸塚千恵子レーズンやさつまいも、チョコなど食パンの種類が多くてどれも美味しいです。 他のパンも私は好きです。 (Translated by Google) There are many types of bread such as raisin, sweet potato, and chocolate, ...レーズンやさつまいも、チョコなど食パンの種類が多くてどれも美味しいです。
(Translated by Google)
There are many types of bread such as raisin, sweet potato, and chocolate, and all of them are delicious.
I also like other breads. -
Satoshi T
しま縞国産小麦100%で、生地はやわらかめ、白いパンです☺️ 品揃え豊富。 店員さんはテキパキ明るくかわいい💕 何より、できたてのパンが食べられるのが魅力です。 ちょうどピザができたとのことだったので、いただきまし...国産小麦100%で、生地はやわらかめ、白いパンです☺️
(Translated by Google)
Made from 100% domestic wheat, the dough is soft and white ☺️
Wide selection of products.
The clerk is efficient, bright and cute💕
The best part is that you can eat freshly made bread.
I heard that the pizza was just ready, so I had it.
Lots of cheese at this price!
I had a great time ✨
Thank you for the meal. -
Masakazu Yanagawa
北澤良之パン美味しいです。 (Translated by Google) The bread is delicious.パン美味しいです。
(Translated by Google)
The bread is delicious. -
個別設定地元に愛されるパン屋さんという感じで、リーズナブルなのが嬉しいです。焼き立てのタイミングであれば、イートインで美味しい内に頂けるのも嬉しい。週に一度買いたくなる、リピートしたい名店です。 (Translat...地元に愛されるパン屋さんという感じで、リーズナブルなのが嬉しいです。焼き立てのタイミングであれば、イートインで美味しい内に頂けるのも嬉しい。週に一度買いたくなる、リピートしたい名店です。
(Translated by Google)
It feels like a bakery that is loved by locals, and I'm happy that the prices are reasonable. If it's freshly baked, you can eat in and enjoy it while it's still delicious. It's a famous store that you'll want to buy once a week, and you'll want to come back again. -
meg食パンとカレーパンが好きです。 食パンは回数券がお得♪イートインだとコーヒー付きます♪ 図書館の休館日に休むようなので注意。 (Translated by Google) I like white bread and curry bread. Buying a coupon...食パンとカレーパンが好きです。
(Translated by Google)
I like white bread and curry bread.
Buying a coupon for bread is a great deal ♪ Coffee is included if you eat in ♪
Please note that the library will be closed on days when the library is closed. -
曳舟次郎塩パンの種類が多くて、自分好みのお店です。 (Translated by Google) There are many types of salt bread, and this is the store that suits your taste.塩パンの種類が多くて、自分好みのお店です。
(Translated by Google)
There are many types of salt bread, and this is the store that suits your taste. -
UMaCha 4
M近いのになぜ今まで行かなかったんだろう! すごく美味しいパンばかりでした。すぐ食べたくて無料コーヒー一杯と一緒に頂きました。上の図書館行くついでに毎回でも寄りたい。 バケットを半分に開いてあってしら...近いのになぜ今まで行かなかったんだろう!
(Translated by Google)
I wonder why I haven't been since it's so close!
All the breads were very delicious. I wanted to eat it right away, so I got it along with a free cup of coffee. I want to stop by every time I go to the library above.
I especially liked the one with the bucket opened in half and lots of whitebait on top, and the Karinto donut. It becomes a habit. -
Masataka Yabana
Akira Kuriyamaリーズナブルで美味しいです。ユニークなパンもいくつかありました。 イートインならコーヒー一杯無料だし、紙ナプキンもついてきました。 (Translated by Google) It's reasonable and delicious. There were a...リーズナブルで美味しいです。ユニークなパンもいくつかありました。
(Translated by Google)
It's reasonable and delicious. There were also some unique breads.
If you eat in, you get a free cup of coffee, and paper napkins are also included. -
m t
Berry good4席ほどのイートインコーナーあり。 ただ、パンを選ぶ時のトレイごと渡されます。手拭きはつきましたが紙ナプキンや袋など渡されなかったのでそのまま手で食べました。 イートインする人はコーヒーを一杯無料で飲...4席ほどのイートインコーナーあり。
(Translated by Google)
There is an eat-in corner with about 4 seats.
However, when choosing bread, you will be given a tray. I was provided with hand towels, but no paper napkins or bags, so I just ate with my hands.
People who dine in can get a free cup of coffee. There was syrup milk sugar
Price range is reasonable. There was a line of breads that were not too ordinary, but had special characteristics.
It's close to the library and station, so you can feel free to come in. -
May June普通のパン屋ですがコーヒーサービスがあり中で食べることも一応できくます。 (Translated by Google) It's a normal bakery, but they have coffee service and you can even eat inside.普通のパン屋ですがコーヒーサービスがあり中で食べることも一応できくます。
(Translated by Google)
It's a normal bakery, but they have coffee service and you can even eat inside. -
year美味しいパンがリーズナブルに買える地元で人気のパン屋さん。パンの種類も豊富でイートインコーナーもあるので、軽めのランチなどにもいい感じです。コーヒーのセルフサービスもあります。 (Translated by Goog...美味しいパンがリーズナブルに買える地元で人気のパン屋さん。パンの種類も豊富でイートインコーナーもあるので、軽めのランチなどにもいい感じです。コーヒーのセルフサービスもあります。
(Translated by Google)
A popular local bakery where you can buy delicious bread at reasonable prices. They have a wide variety of breads and an eat-in corner, so it's a great place for a light lunch. There is also self-service coffee. -
Stefano Costa
G EHARAピザパンが秀逸、他のパンもおいしい。手作り感あふれるイートインあり (Translated by Google) The pizza bread is excellent, and the other breads are also delicious. Eat-in available with a handmade feelピザパンが秀逸、他のパンもおいしい。手作り感あふれるイートインあり
(Translated by Google)
The pizza bread is excellent, and the other breads are also delicious. Eat-in available with a handmade feel -
keko&teto11時30分くらいになると 焼きたてのパンがイッパイ出てきて 焼きたてじゃないパンを持ってたりすると焼きたてと お取り返しましょうか?とか 声をかけてくれる 素敵なスタッフさんもいらっしゃいます。 (Translated...11時30分くらいになると 焼きたてのパンがイッパイ出てきて 焼きたてじゃないパンを持ってたりすると焼きたてと お取り返しましょうか?とか 声をかけてくれる 素敵なスタッフさんもいらっしゃいます。
(Translated by Google)
Around 11:30, freshly baked bread comes out and if you bring bread that isn't freshly baked, can you get it back? There are also wonderful staff who will talk to you. -
小出光夫食パンがおいしいです。 (Translated by Google) The bread is delicious.食パンがおいしいです。
(Translated by Google)
The bread is delicious. -
Takashi Aoki
(Translated by Google)
The large shopkeeper is busy baking bread. There is also a eat-in option, so I always eat lunch here when I'm spending time at Kamiku Shokan. Both sweet bread and side dish bread taste good. It seems to be popular with mothers who use the park across the street. -
Strike Eagle予約すればピザをホールで焼いてくれる普通のパン屋さんです。コーヒーが無料で飲めおかわりも出来ます。 あんバターぱん復活してほしいなぁ (Translated by Google) It's a normal bakery that will bake pizza...予約すればピザをホールで焼いてくれる普通のパン屋さんです。コーヒーが無料で飲めおかわりも出来ます。
(Translated by Google)
It's a normal bakery that will bake pizza in the hall if you make a reservation. You can drink coffee for free and get refills.
I wish Anbutapan would be revived. -
三宅正昭墨田区の中心曳舟にあり京島・向島・押上スカイツリーに行くのに、ちょとした腹ごなしには最高です。座って食べれて無料のコーヒーもあり(^o^)(^o^) (Translated by Google) Located in Hikifune, the center of...墨田区の中心曳舟にあり京島・向島・押上スカイツリーに行くのに、ちょとした腹ごなしには最高です。座って食べれて無料のコーヒーもあり(^o^)(^o^)
(Translated by Google)
Located in Hikifune, the center of Sumida Ward, this is the perfect place to go to Kyojima, Mukojima, and Oshiage Sky Tree, and to get a quick bite to eat. You can sit and eat and there is also free coffee (^o^)(^o^) -